An indicator of the effectiveness of an investment or portfolio is created by dividing the excess return above the risk-free rate by the return standard deviation.
Knowledge capital
The monetary value of a company's intangible assets, including its knowledge, patents, and intellectual property.
Knowledge management
The organized production, exchange, use, and administration of knowledge and information.
Knowledge worker
An employee who carries out their tasks according to their knowledge and skill.
Knowledge-based economy
A method of producing and distributing products and services that is based on knowledge and information.
Knowledge-based organization
An organization that derives value from the skills and knowledge of its personnel.
Knowledge-based system
A system that uses information and expertise to carry out activities or address issues.
Kondratiev wave
According to this idea, investments in and technical innovation generate long-term economic cycles.
Kotler marketing mix
A marketing strategy is primarily composed of four elements: product, pricing, place, and promotion.
KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
A statistic used to evaluate an organization's performance or advancement toward a certain objective.