A contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a financial asset at a predetermined price within a certain time frame.
Ordinary shares
Shares that represent ownership in a company and entitle the holder to vote at shareholder meetings and receive dividends.
Organic growth
Growth that is not aided by acquisitions or mergers, but rather through the expansion of existing operations.
Outcome budgeting
A budgeting method that focuses on the results or outcomes of a project or program rather than the inputs or activities.
The practice of contracting work out to a third party rather than doing it in-house.
Indirect costs of a business, such as rent and utilities, that are not directly related to the production of goods or services.
A situation where the price of a security or asset is believed to be higher than its intrinsic value.
The legal right to possess, control, and use property.
Own-label products
Products that are produced by a company for sale under its own brand rather than a branded product produced by another company.
A figure of speech that combines two seemingly contradictory terms.
Occupancy rate
The percentage of a building or rental unit that is currently being used or rented out.
Something that is presented or made available for consideration, acceptance, or purchase.
Operating income
The amount of money a company makes from its main business activities, after deducting operating expenses.
The processes, tasks, and activities involved in running a business or organization.